Conferences, Workshops Check out author versions below
[5] |
Mounir Assaf, David Naumann, Julien Signoles, Éric Totel, and
Frédéric Tronel.
Hypercollecting Semantics and its Application to Static Analysis
of Information Flow.
In ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages,
January 2017.
To appear.
We show how static analysis for secure information flow can be expressed and proved correct entirely within the framework of abstract interpretation. The key idea is to define a Galois connection that directly approximates the hyperproperty of interest. To enable use of such Galois connections, we introduce a fixpoint characterisation of hypercollecting semantics, i.e. a “set of sets” transformer. This makes it possible to systematically derive static analyses for hyperproperties entirely within the calculational framework of abstract interpretation. We evaluate this technique by deriving example static analyses. For qualitative information flow, we derive a dependence analysis similar to the logic of Amtoft and Banerjee (SAS’04) and the type system of Hunt and Sands (POPL’06). For quantitative information flow, we derive a novel cardinality analysis that bounds the leakage conveyed by a program instead of simply deciding whether it exists. This encompasses problems that are hypersafety but not k-safety. We put the framework to use and introduce variations that achieve precision rivalling the most recent and precise static analyses for information flow. |
[4] |
Mounir Assaf, Julien Signoles, Éric Totel, and Frédéric Tronel.
The Cardinal Abstraction for Quantitative Information Flow.
In Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security (FCS), June
Affiliated with IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium.
[ http ]
Qualitative information flow aims at detecting information leaks, whereas the emerging quantitative techniques target the estimation of information leaks. Quantifying information flow in the presence of low inputs is challenging, since the traditional techniques of approximating and counting the reachable states of a program no longer suffice. This paper proposes an automated quantitative information flow analysis for imperative deterministic programs with low inputs. The approach relies on a novel abstract domain, the cardinal abstraction, in order to compute a precise upper-bound over the maximum leakage of batch-job programs. We prove the soundness of the cardinal abstract domain by relying on the framework of abstract interpretation. We also prove its precision with respect to a flow-sensitive type system for the two-point security lattice. |
[3] |
Mounir Assaf and David Naumann.
Calculational Design of Information Flow Monitors.
In IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, pages
210--224, June 2016.
[ DOI ]
Fine grained information flow monitoring can in principle address a wide range of security and privacy goals, for example in web applications. But it is very difficult to achieve sound monitoring with acceptable runtime cost and sufficient precision to avoid impractical restrictions on programs and policies. We present a systematic technique for design of monitors that are correct by construction. It encompasses policies with downgrading. The technique is based on abstract interpretation which is a standard basis for static analysis of programs. This should enable integration of a wide range of analysis techniques, enabling more sophisticated engineering of monitors to address the challenges of precision and scaling to widely used programming languages. |
[2] |
Mounir Assaf, Julien Signoles, Frédéric Tronel, and Eric Totel.
Moniteur hybride de flux d'information pour un langage
supportant des pointeurs.
In The 8th conference on Network and Information Systems
Security (SARSSI), 2013.
Best student paper.
[ Full text on HAL ]
Les nouvelles approches combinant contrôle dynamique et statique de flux d'information sont prometteuses puisqu'elles permettent une approche permissive tout en garantissant la correction de l'analyse réalisée vis-à-vis de la non-interférence. Dans ce papier, nous présentons une approche hybride de suivi de flux d'information pour un langage gérant des pointeurs. Nous formalisons la sémantique d'un moniteur sensible aux flux de données qui combine analyse statique et dynamique. Nous prouvons ensuite la correction de notre moniteur vis-à-vis de la non-interférence. |
[1] |
Mounir Assaf, Julien Signoles, Frédéric Tronel, and Éric Totel.
Program Transformation for Non-interference Verification on
Programs with Pointers.
In LechJ. Janczewski, HenryB. Wolfe, and Sujeet Shenoi, editors,
Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems (IFIP
SEC), volume 405 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication
Technology, pages 231--244. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Best student paper.
[ DOI ]
Novel approaches for dynamic information flow monitoring are promising since they enable permissive (accepting a large subset of executions) yet sound (rejecting all insecure executions) enforcement of non-interference. In this paper, we present a dynamic information flow monitor for a language supporting pointers. Our flow-sensitive monitor relies on prior static analysis in order to soundly enforce non-interference. We also propose a program transformation that preserves the behavior of initial programs and soundly inlines our security monitor. This program transformation enables both dynamic and static verification of non-interference. |
Technical Reports, Author versions, Work in Progress
[6] | Mounir Assaf, David Naumann, Julien Signoles, Éric Totel, and Frédéric Tronel. Hypercollecting Semantics and its Application to Static Analysis of Information Flow. Technical report, April 2016. [ http ] |
[5] | Mounir Assaf and David Naumann. Calculational Design of Information Flow Monitors (extended version). Technical report, February 2016. [ http ] |
[4] | Mounir Assaf. From Qualitative to Quantitative Program Analysis : Permissive Enforcement of Secure Information Flow. PhD thesis, Thèse de l'université de Rennes 1, May 2015. Supervised by Julien Signoles, Éric Totel and Frédéric Tronel. [ Full text on HAL ] |
[3] | Mounir Assaf, Julien Signoles, Frédéric Tronel, and Éric Totel. Moniteur hybride de flux d'information pour un langage supportant des pointeurs. Technical report, July 2013. [ Full text on HAL ] |
[2] | Mounir Assaf, Julien Signoles, Frédéric Tronel, and Éric Totel. Program Transformation for Non-interference Verification on Programs with Pointers. Technical report, April 2013. [ Full text on HAL ] |
[1] | Mounir Assaf. Utilisation de méthodes hybrides pour la détection d'intrusion paramétrée par la politique de sécurité reposant sur le suivi des flux d'information. Technical report, Université de Rennes 1, June 2011. [ http ] |